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10 Ways to Quit the Sh*t + Get Fit in 2020!

WELL HELLO 2020 - you are just around the corner! New Years type goals can happen throughout the year - and I highly encourage you to reevaluate + refresh your goals every quarter - but the wonderful thing about the New Year is that it is a fresh start. Regardless of where you are in your fitness journey and what your history is, this is your kick in the ass (with love, of course) to restart and get moving into the New Year!

10 Ways to Quite the Sh*t + Get Fit

1. Set realistic & Attainable Goals

There is such power in writing things down! Research shows that you are 42% more likely to accomplish a goal if you write it down. How crazy is that? This article is very science-based on why your brain believes you can achieve your goals when written!

Start with small goals such as signing up for a yoga or fitness class once or twice a week. Then, as you get consistent with the little goals - reach for larger goals such as losing those pesky 10 lbs in 2 months with food tracking and even hiring a coach. 

2. Hire a Trainer & Nutrition Coach

There’s nothing more powerful than having accountability. We all show up to work because we’re expected to. So if you invest in and schedule sessions with a trainer - you will show up because you’re expected to! HELLO results!

Because I want to encourage you to get that accountability, I have a New Years Jumpstart Fitness & Nutrition package! You get 15% off when you sign up for 3 months!

3. Track Your Food using My Fitness Pal

My Fitness Pal is an app that allows you to track everything you are putting into your body. It makes it simple for you to then get the breakdown of where your calories are coming from and what your macronutrient count is. The first step to making any sort of change is being aware of what needs to change! And an app like My Fitness Pal is a little bit of work initially - but once you get the hang of it inputting everything, you have all the information you need to make those tweaks in your diet to optimize your body’s function. Knowledge is power my friend!

4. Try a new fun fitness class!

There are so many different type of workout options available these days - so pick one that you enjoy! Some examples include yoga, barre, pilates, group classes at your local gym, and my favorite - my 12 Week Fit N Fab Bootcamp Jam Class!

5. Workout with a friend!

Stay accountable and double the fun with Buddy Training! I talk more about accountability in this blog post!

6. Don’t Weigh Yourself everyday!

We all carry muscle and fat so differently. We also all fluctuate anywhere between 3-5 lbs daily! So please don’t use the scale on a regular basis as it does not give us all of the biometrics that matter! Body fat is much more important to track than your weight - so sign up for a consultation with a local trainer and have them measure your body fat and other factors that actually matter!

7. Forget Crazy Diets!

Dieting to the extreme has been proven over and over again to not work! So don’t waste your time! Learn how to eat intuitively and just track your macros and calorie intake if you’re on a weight loss program.

I was feeling a little generous with the holiday season coming up - so you can download your FREE November Recipe pack right here!

Discover 12 easy, healthy and tasty recipes including breakfast, lunch, dinner, treat and smoothie options!

8.) Sign up for an event like 5k, 10k, Mudrun or Half Marathon!

When you have something on the calendar, you are much more likely to follow through with a training plan. You can also do a fundraiser type run that not only will motivate you to train, but it will also feel benefit others and you will be supporting a good cause!

If you’re not into running, that’s totally okay! Find some other fun local event that will motivate you to train.

9.) Limit Your Time Sitting

You know those days where you are on a roll and working away on a project at your desk - you look up and all of a sudden it is 1pm and you haven’t gotten up for 3 hours? Yea… not good! Be sure to get up every 1-2 hours and stretch at your desk or go for a quick walk.

It will not only help you physically, but mentally as well! A quick break can be all you need for a quick refresh and increase in motivation. Some of my favorite things to do are lay on the foam roll in a vertical position - allowing your spine support, but then opening up your arms and stretching your chest. SO good for those of you hunched over at your desk!

10.) Be KIND to yourself!

Above all, your mental health and happiness is most important. Being fit doesn’t mean beating yourself up if you miss a workout or cheat on your healthy meal plan. This lifestyle is all about maintaining your health and setting yourself up for the long run. Work fitness into your life and make it a fun priority, not a chore!

And as always, I am here for YOU! Please don’t hesitate to reach out and chat with me about your struggles, your wins and your goals!

Don’t forget to download your November Recipe Pack here!


Deanna B, NASM Personal Trainer

Fitness Coach/ Online Fitness / Fitness Nutrition