5 Quick And EASY Techniques To Help You Realize And Fulfill Your TRUE Life Goals!

Hey Bad A**!

This short article explains my 5 POWERFUL techniques to achieving and fulfilling ANY goal you wish in life! 

You probably already know that 'Goal Setting' is the secret to fulfilling ANY dream or desire you want in life. Whether it be a career goal, fitness goal or mindset shift, goal setting is key!

But did you also know that SUPER Successful people use 'Goals' to attain the knowledge, improved health and wealth they have today?

Some of you reading this right now might agree and some of you might not. That’s ok, that decision is yours to make.

The reason people find it too hard to achieve their goals is simple; they've set their Long-Term goals before setting Short-Term ones, or they just didn't plan their goals out carefully.

Goal setting strategies are VERY important, especially for those who want to achieve Long-Term goals. So how can YOU easily set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely or S.M.A.R.T? 

Well, you're in luck because I'm going to share five EASY 'Goal Setting' techniques that I use to help you realize your TRUE goals today.

Your only requirement I ask of you is to keep an open mind! So, with that said, let's go to Technique #1.

Technique #1 - Start with Short-Term goals.

Sometimes, people start with short-term goals unconsciously.

Why unconsciously? A few reasons come to mind:

Some of them may have considered the goals to be long-term at the time they planned them; and after achieving a goal, they realize that they are in fact, looking forward to a longer one.

Some are content with their short-term goals, but after a while will realize that they also need to attain long-term ones.

Short-term goals seem to be our starting point for our Long Term ones.

They also motivate the person to plan for longer goals, which will usually take some time before achieving them in full.

Technique #2 - Make sure you REALLY want the goal!

By this I mean, you have to ask yourself: "Do I really want this goal and will this goal give me a better life?"

Answering this ONE question will give you more passion and motivation to achieve your goal.

Some people often recall their past to find out Why and How they came up with such goal.

Technique #3 - Speak up! 

This is my favorite tip! What I mean by this is you shouldn't keep your goals to yourself! By sharing your goals with other people it will help you get the support you may need in order to fulfill them. When I have a new life goal, I love to share it with others and by doing so, it keeps me motivated and excited to keep going!

The problem that usually occurs though, is some people are just too shy to tell others about their goals for reasons such as, they may be afraid they cannot achieve them in the end, or they lack the courage to speak their minds.

Just a little tough love advice here, try not to make this a habit because when the time comes when you really need their support, you will have a difficult time getting it. Just sayin’……

You'll then be left to achieve your goals all by yourself and that’s no fun! Without a team of cheerleaders on your side, it’s a lonely uphill battle. You don’t have to do it alone, ever! Which leads me to tip# 4…..

Technique #4 - Hire coachesstay on track and never give up!

Reviewing notes will help open your mind to see if you are on the right track. While on track, you may have to face challenges that might change your personality. Even better than reviewing your notes, hire a results-driven coach! If your goal is to lose weight or get stronger, hire a fitness coach. If your goal is to make a career change or up-level your current career, hire a business coach or coaches! I cannot express enough how hiring a coach can help you achieve your life goals. 

The last tip is crucial, especially for those who have a long list of goals. 

Technique #5 - Write them down or keep a journal of your goals.

After writing them down in as much detail, it is advisable that you review them on a daily to weekly basis. This will encourage and motivate you to achieving them, plus, this will also keep that vision of your goal alive. 

A person who is overconfident might suddenly feel depressed after finding out that he/she is going the wrong way in achieving his goal.

Thus this might lead to abandoning the goal.

But never give up and never be discouraged! Coaches help you stay focused and keep you on track! 

Facing obstacles is a test on how passionate you are to realizing your potential. And boy, you guys can I attest to this! If I can just take a second to share with you my own personal fitness goal and benchmark to be able to do body weight pull ups. And man, it has been such a challenge, emotionally, physically and mentally because of how challenging they are! It’s STILL a goal I am slowly progressing at reaching! Even though I practice assisted pull ups, and all the ways to build up to standard pull-ups, I still struggle with them. But to be honest with you, I am not doing them enough! I know what I need to do to be able to do them. What HAS helped me get close to reaching my goal, is having my own coach! AND determination! Im determined to be able to do them so I will eventually get there! 

Well, there you have it!

Give those 5 techniques a try and keep a visual picture in your mind everyday of you fulfilling that goal you desire so much! I know you can do it! 


Deanna B - NASM Fitness/Yoga Coach/Online Fitness

PS - Need more help with your fitness goals? Feel free to email me at deanna@justmovefitness.com along with a list of your short-term fitness and wellness goals and I will email you back with my FREE “Quit the Shit, Get Fit Goal Setting” Quiz!

"You can have anything you want in life if you work for it."
