When to Hit the F*** It Button!

When to Hit the F___ It Button! (2).png

yep - you read that right!

Let’s dive into non-negotiable vs.

when to say f*** it! :)

Did my blog title grab your attention? Good!! Apparently - January 18th is the day when people give up on their resolutions and hit the f*** it button. 

Being healthy on a regular basis shouldn’t be complicated or hard. But somehow, we make it harder than it needs to be. It’s not your fault though, there’s a ton of noise out there regarding the perfect diet, the perfect fitness program and the perfect fat loss program. It just gets so confusing and overwhelming, its no wonder we go from yo-yo dieting to an off again, on again mentality when it come to our fitness and wellness goals.


If you really want to create healthy habits that last for a lifetime, read on!! But first, sit down and think about:

  • what YOU really need to be healthy

  • what YOU can make time for,

  • and what YOU can prioritize to create a DAILY HEALTHY ritual. Not a “30 day fad diet”, not a “90 days to a leaner fitter you”, an EVERYDAY HEALTHY PLAN! Your plan doesn’t have to be strict - but it DOES have to be consistent and something you can sustain everyday.

The reason I have been able to maintain my weight for decades now and keep my body fat % within a normal range is not what I do in the gym 3 days a week, it’s what I do every single day!

The way i am able to maintain a healthy lifestyle is by implementing 2 healthy mindset strategies; “The Non Negotiable Mindset” and the “F*** it Button Mindset” If you are reading this with your jaw dropped or a fowl look on your face thinking what the heck is Deanna talking about, “hit the what button??” Yep. You heard correctly, I mean just that! F*** It!!

Keep reading to discover my 6 Daily Non Negotiable Fitness and Nutrition Strategies and my F*** It Button Mindset Situations.” Here we go!

My 6 Daily Non-Negotiable Fitness and Nutrition Strategies

  1. I never skip breakfast! And I try to eat a balanced, macros breakfast with carbs, proteins & healthy fats). Want to know what a balanced macro breakfast looks like? Reply to this email (or if you’re reading in your browser, hit contact) to find out!

  2. I guzzle water all day long! At least the standard 8-10 glasses of water or 40-50 ounces (that number varies depending on how much energy I have exerted)

  3. I always add some form of movement! Whether it is jogging, yoga, weight training, TRX, Kettlebell workouts or non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) - walking, working, cleaning, etc.

  4. I always bring healthy snacks with me to work to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

  5. I really try to get 7-8 hours of sleep! (This is key!)

  6. I end my day with an evening reflection journal

Now - contrary to the non negotiable, are scenarios or situations when I say F*** it!

The Times When I say F*** It!

1.) It’s your best friends birthday, a wedding, anniversary or vacation.


Seriously though - if you are being consistent in your health goals on a daily basis, go ahead and eat the damn cake, drink the champagne and f****** relaaaaax!! Psssssst. Did you know when you are relaxed, your cortisol levels decrease and you can actually lose or maintain your weight on VACATION?! Yep, it’s true!! Elevated cortisol levels cause excess belly fat! But when you’re on vacay, you should be more relaxed and getting more zzzzz’s hence the lower cortisol levels, hence no weight gain even if you are eating off your normal diet and getting less exercise.

So - hit the f*** it button on vacay!! Just make sure to get back on track and into a routine when the holiday is over :)

2.) Your under the weather, ie; mild cold, flu

Do whatever you need to do to feel better! Having the flu or a cold isn’t a time to be strict on your nutrition. More than likely you won’t feel like eating that much anyway, but don’t beat yourself up for having a cookie with your lemon tea! Think self care basics during mild illnesses like getting extra sleep, staying hydrated and let go of any guilty feelings for needing the rest!

3.) Post athletic event celebrations! For instance, you just ran your first marathon or PR’d your swim time. Give yourself a break and a reward for working so hard to finish the race or beat your personal record. Have post-event beer or glass of wine!

4.) And the last scenario I might hit the f*** it button is when I’m feeling down or sad. Situational depression hits the best of us. We all have times of sadness or just feeling low mood that can affect our motivation, so allow yourself a day or two to be sad and then once it passes, get back on track! And please, if your sadness or low mood lingers for longer than a few weeks or so, don’t ignore it. Seek professional help so you don’t feel like you have to do it alone. I’ve been there, and if it weren’t for my therapist or friends during that time, it would’ve been a lot harder to get back to my health and livelihood.

Well then!

There you have it! When to hit the f*** it button!! It’s really all about balance folks. Being healthy is a state of mind, but also, nobody is perfect and we shouldn’t expect ourselves to be perfect all of the time! I should listen to my own advice. One of my favorite quotes I try to live by is,

“life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

P.S. Need help setting realistic healthy daily rituals? I’d love to learn more about your health and wellness goals! Email me at deanna@justmovefitness.com with the subject: Goal Setting Strategy! 

